Sunday, 1 August 2010

The Paperless Student

Well, after years of admiring the potential of Tablet PC's and despising the folders of notes and paper that I never make use of as a student, I finally decided to do something different this year. I've ordered a Tablet PC! On its way is a Dell XT2 and here's the specification I chose.

  • Intel Core 2 Duo SU9400 (1.40GHz, 800MHz, 3MB Cache)
  • LED LCD Multi-Touch Display
  • 4GB DDR3 1333MHz RAM (Actually received 5GB of RAM*)
  • 128GB Solid State Drive
  • 2x 6-Cell Batteries
  • Intel WiFi Link 5300 (802.11 a/b/g/n 3X3) Wireless Network Card
  • Windows 7 Professional
* I wasn't advised on the phone that the 4GB of RAM I ordered didn't include the 1GB of integrated RAM. So this was a little added bonus.

I admit that at over £1900, this isn't suitable for many students, but during my second year at university I hope it proves its worth. I decided to create this blog after spending hours and hours on the internet looking for the information I needed to do just that - Prove a Tablet PC is priceless for any student. 

The answers to my questions about Tablet PC's were scattered across forums and blogs. I wanted somewhere aimed at people like me, where ideas and methods for organising myself and maximizing my grades using technology were easy to find and discuss. Over the coming months I'll regularly provide updates on my progress and hope to convert more students to what should be a better and more exciting way to study.


  1. Hi, as a new Thinkpad x201t owner that's just starting off on the college adventure, this is precisely the type of blog I was searching for.

    Really look forward to your blog!

  2. Hi, you're exactly the kind of person I am writing this blog for, so I hope it will be useful.

    Are there any particular areas you would like me to focus on?

  3. Hi there!

    Glad I've found your blog. I'm about to start studying health care management (actually some rather nursing specific stuff here in germany - don't quite know how to express it in English) this year and have decided to follow the same approach right from the beginning. My new Touchsmart tm2 netvertible just arrived yesterday , so I'm eager to try it in the real life. Well I suppose I'll be checking back here a few times to read about your experience and maybe sharing a thought or two. Keep it up!
    Greets from Germany

  4. Hi, thanks for creating this blog, I will be following it regularly as I am about to begin my first year at university studying engineering. Like you I will be purchasing a tablet PC (most likely a HP-TM2) to help me organize my notes efficiently. Good luck with your XT2(I envy you).

  5. I also am the proud owner of a ThinkPad x201t and its great for note taking and all that kind of things... I even have started using OneNote to write my assignments in and then just print it off to send to the prof. So nice because if you realize you need some extras space somewhere just select everything and move it around no more erasing and re writing :)

  6. A new ThinkPad x200t student here! I have already bookmarked your blog ;-) I will follow your updates with much interest. bye

  7. This comment is a little late, but I'm very happy to have found your blog. I just started graduate school and am going as paperless as possible.

    This will not be my first time using a Tablet PC as a student, however. I spent my last 2 years as an undergrad with a Tablet. I'm really excited to finally be able to reference all my notes 3+ years later.
